William Wordsworth’s
Philosophy on Poet
“In nature there is nothing melancholy.”
(7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850)
William Wordsworth was an English poet of the romantic age. Wordsworth's philosophy towards human life is very simple: man is not apart from nature. He started writing from 1797 to 1799 a very short period but very important in his life and for the romantic period, and from 1799 he has taken retirement from his work of writing and spent time in between the nature at northern lake region where he was born, he was very close to the nature which experience has reflected in all his poetry.
I heard among the solitary hills
Low breathings coming after me, and sounds
Of undistinguishable motion.
#Wordsworth’s preface of lyrical ballads
In 1798 lyrical Ballad was first published with his friend Samuel Taylore Coleridge. Wordsworth comes to add a short advertisement on it. And he added more detail about poetry, poetry diction, definition of poetry; it was revised in 1800. It was modified in the 1802 edition of lyrical ballads to give the name Wordsworth's preface.
#How does Wordsworth defined poetry? Discuss this definition in relation to his poetic philosophy.
According to Wordsworth, “poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.” poetry has origin internal feelings of the poet. It is never an immediate expression of such powerful emotions. Poetry has its origin in emotions recollected tranquility. Poetry subject matter of passion, mood and temperament. Poetry can not be produced strictly; it flows out naturally from the soul of the poet .
Wordsworth noted ‘it is the honorable characteristic of poetry that its materials are to be found in every subject which can interest the human mind.’. In the words of Wordsworth,” poetry has its origin in emotions recollected in tranquility.”
# What is poetic diction, and what type of poetic diction does Wordsworth suggest in his ?
Poetic diction means choice of words. It basically depends on the poet how the poet chooses their own style, language, place, time etc.
In the preface of lyrical ballads Wordsworth mentioned that the way of writing addiction was inane. According to him poetry should be for rural area countryside people. Basically it depends on the common people.
Coleridge raised the first controversy with his own friend in Biographia literaria- his disagreement of poetic diction also questioning Wordsworth what do you mean by language really used by men, which men, which reality, which style etc.
Wordsworth gave an answer in his preface of lyrical ballad, he finds humble and rustic life, tone with emotions therefore he is trying to capture which is really used by men. He also finds it to be closer to genuine.
#functions of poetry:
In the words of wordsworth poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge the impassioned expression that is in the countenance of all science. Its revolt against moral ideas is a poetry of revolt against life.
View of the moralist:-
Writer can influence the lives and characters of his readers and therefore should try to be a good influence for them. Art is food and poison. It was called Art for life’s sake.
View of the aesthetics:-
Function of poetry is to give pleasure to its readers irrespective of the moral ideas for them art is wine. It was called Art for Art’s sake.
Balancing instruction and pleasure:-
While Wordsworth emphasized poetry's instructive role, he also recognized the importance of making it enjoyable. He aimed to present moral lessons in a "sugar-coated form," making the learning process "implied and plausible."
#What is a poet?
According to William Wordsworth ‘A poet is man speaking to men, endowed with more lively sensibility more enthusiasm and tenderness who has a greater knowledge of human nature and a more comprehensive soul, who rejoice more than other men in the spirit of life, habitually impelled to creative volitions, passions and situations where he does not find them.’
#first critic of his own poetry:
William Wordsworth was a first critic of his own poetry because he was giving a concrete shape to his idea of poetry, there is difference between what he theorized and what he practiced in his awareness is a contradiction of organic unity
William Wordsworth wanted to tell the readers this kind of poetry written in the lyrical ballad, it was different from that kind of poetry. poetry is the moral guide that imparts moral lessons.
Wordsworth, William. “Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798) by Wordsworth and Coleridge.” Project Gutenberg, https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9622 .
Wordsworth, William. “Lyrical ballads, with other poems. In two volumes : Wordsworth, William, 1770-1850 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive, 8 January 2013, https://archive.org/details/lyricalballadswi04word .
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